It was the year 1532 when Nicolaus Copernicus discovered a simple, inalienable truth: the Earth is not the center of the universe. Rather, the place we call home rotates around the sun; it’s part of this galaxy, but certainly not the whole of it.
Since the days of Copernicus, humans have learned this truth over and over again, and the lesson of challenging long-held beliefs in the pursuit of truth. And as we examine our food system in this very pursuit, what might we learn as we assess our overall role in the ecosystem and how our assumptions about food systems have shaped our diet, our environment...our entire world as we think we know it?
Meet The Copernicus Project, an immersive activation at this year’s South by Southwest in Austin, Texas, that explores the current state of our food system and what the future may look like. It will spur open conversation about the issues our food system faces, challenge people to re-evaluate priorities and inspire us all to take action to protect our food. This conversation must explore the intersections between health, technology and food security.
Food is the cornerstone of our health and has the unique power to change how we treat and manage most conditions. It’s truly a critical step in improving our health outcomes and, as a society, we do underutilize its influence. Visitors of The Copernicus Project will explore the impact of the lack of diversity in the modern diet and what our children’s dinner plates may look like in the future.
Technology and food is a constant conversation, and visitors of The Copernicus Project can immerse themselves in the dialogue through programming such as “Does Artificial Intelligence Belong in Agriculture?” and even slide feet first into a nanotech-powered avocado ball pit.
And finally, food insecurity isn’t simply driven by a lack of food—it’s also driven by the lack of access to nutritious food. We need a customized approach that reinvents how nutritious food gets to the people who need it, not just the people who can afford it. Visitors will examine common food myths and take a deeper dive into how nutrition, technology and food security may look in the future.
In addition to the above experiences, innovators in academia, technology, food production, NGOs, public health and more will engage in dialogues around these themes. Just like Copernicus’ discovery in 1532, it’s time for us to challenge our assumptions that human beings are the center of our universe. The Copernicus Project will dive deep into the opportunity of our lifetime: the chance to reinvent and re-examine the future of our food.
Stay tuned to this space to learn more, and we look forward to sharing our SXSW experience with you.